Individual Therapy Tailored to your Needs
Therapy is an investment in your own well-being. Together, we will work to understand where you’ve been and where you want to go.
Some of my areas of speciality include:
Noticing racing thoughts or a general feeling of unease in your body? We’ll work to explore the root causes of your anxiety while creating tools and strategies to help you feel better in your day to day life.
Constantly leaving social interactions and replaying something you said? Worried if you are “enough”? Many of my clients struggle with perfectionism or imposter syndrome. I will help you work towards accepting yourself as you are, and leaving self-criticism and judgment behind.
Living with a chronic illness in your 20s can feel isolating and scary. Together, we will learn to develop healthy coping skills, adjust to a new diagnosis, balance your career/goals with your symptoms, and voice your needs to the people in your life.
Feeling like you “checked all the boxes” and did everything right but are still unfulfilled? Wondering how to adjust to life post-college or if your new job is where you’re meant to be? Let’s work together to better understand your goals and create a new path forward that’s in alignment with your passions and values.
“Instructions for living a life:
Pay Attention. Be Astonished. Tell About It.”
— Mary Oliver